St Patrick’s, Ballyshannon

Kilbarron House,
College Street,
Co Donegal
9am & 11am
Holy Day
Confessions: Saturdays 6pm and after Vigil Mass
First Fridays: 9.15am, 6pm
Eucharistic Adoration: Saturday 10am – 12noon
Wednesday 10am – 9pm

St Patrick’s – 1795, 1842, 2002

Other Details

Tel: 071 985 1090

Kilbarron Management Committee: Murt Lowery, John Meehan, Sean O’Boyle, James Sweeney, Rita Tuohy and Priests of the Parish.

Parish Pastoral Group: Chairperson: Harry Lloyd 071 985 8876

Children’s Liturgy: Co-ordinator: Rosemary Downey 071 985 1065

Baptism Team: Co-ordinator: Marian Wymbs 071 985 1295

Religious Orders

Sisters of Mercy – St Catherine’s Convent College Street, Ballyshannon, Co Donegal  071 985 1268

St Ann’s Convent – College Street, Bsllyshannon, Co Donegal  071 985 2737

Office Hours

Mon/Tue: 10am – 1pm & 6.30pm – 8pm
Wed: 10am – 1pm
Thurs/Fri: 10am – 12.30pm & 2pm – 4pm


  • SVDP: Mr Thomas McGuinness, Secretary, Portnason, Ballyshannon. Mr. Charles McGloin, President, The Abbey, Ballyshannon  071-9851429
  • Saint Pio Prayer Group: Nuala Slevin (Co-ordinator), Lisahully 071 985 1129. (Second Friday of Month at 7pm in St Patrick’s).
  • St Joseph’s Young Priests Soc.: First Friday of Month at 6.15pm in St Patrick’s.
  • Legion of Mary: Olive Rodgers 071 985 2576
  • AA: Market Street.
  • PTAA: Mrs Brighid Cronin, Secretary, Portnason, Ballyshannon 071 985 1378
  • Resurrection Choir: Nuala Slevin, Angela Currid

Records & Statistics

  • Baptismal records, 1854
  • Confirmation records, 1920
  • Marriage records, 1858
  • Death Register, 1979


  • Abbey, Ballyshannon (1669)
  • Cashelard (1872)